
Coffee and Life: Take your time, use quality inputs, follow the process, savor the outcome.

Coffee and Life: Take your time, use quality inputs, follow the process, savor the outcome.

I tend to get fascinated with different ideas, foods, activities, people and then my situation changes and they fall by the wayside until the next new thing comes along.  But coffee has been a constant companion as long as I can remember. I love the smell and the taste, not to mention the warm liquid to help clear my morning head and give me a few minutes of peace before the day begins. My dad drank coffee every morning and…

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Coffee Favorites

Coffee Favorites

Java House, Iowa City, Iowa. My first love. Pour overs, art, great university vibe where I try to visit anytime I am back. It makes me want to get lost in a book and enroll back in classes. Fuel Art and Espresso, Mt. Vernon, IA A favorite combo of coffee, art and community. Owner Tommie makes great jewelry and art from found objects and has a wonderful curation of items to browse (and buy) while the coffee is brewing. Their…

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Making space to bring the artist out of the shadows

Making space to bring the artist out of the shadows

I have always felt a need to create. However, I never felt like I had any particular talent to put art out into the world. I’m terrible at drawing and painting. Forget about sketching or making beautiful sculptures. My writing is long and rambling and undisciplined. And then there’s the time. Often, making art is not seen as productive, it doesn’t pay the bills, there are always other needs to be met before creative time is allowed. However, despite my…

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France-getting him to love it too!

France-getting him to love it too!

We had a fabulous trip to France in October of 2021. Brian had never been and I LOVE it so I was nervous to make sure he was as smitten as me. Dream of dreams is to have a vacation or retirement home in the south of France someday so we did some quick exploring of Paris, the Luberon region in Provence and a couple days on the coast in La Ciotat. The trip was made so much better due…

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